CTT #47: How are the Covid-19 numbers still this bad?  

the number 675,000 against a red background

Data points, alone, never tell the whole story. Numbers are often used and misused to confirm our personal biases rather than to inform or reform our thinking.

No matter how you view the pandemic or slice the data, it’s hard to see the latest set of Covid-19 figures as anything other than proof our nation remains embroiled in an avoidable and ongoing tragedy, one that has been unfolding for the better part of two years.

  • More than 675,000 deaths from Covid-19, more than from the Spanish Flu.
  • 1 in every 500 Americans have died from the pandemic.
  • 1 in 4 U.S. hospitals have exceeded 95% capacity, up from 1 in 5 a month ago.
  • 11x higher mortality rate for unvaccinated Americans vs. those who are vaccinated.

In this episode of Coronavirus: The Truth, Jeremy Corr and Dr. Robert Pearl put these numbers in context and discuss the following questions:

[01:00] What is happening with Covid-19 data and what does it all mean?

[07:37] Why do vaccine hesitancy and resistance remain so high and what can be done?

[10:18] What does data from other countries show about vaccine effectiveness against the Delta variant?

[11:39] What are the two most compelling arguments in the vaccine debate now?

[14:10] What should parents know this week?

[16:49] Is the Delta Airlines fine of $200 on unvaccinated workers making a difference?

[18:12] What is the vaccine issue doing to friendships in America?

[20:00] Why was the FDA’s hearing on the Pfizer booster so contentious?

[23:51] What’s good this week?

[25:32] What’s this episode’s big non-Covid story?

[27:47] History hypothetical for Jeremy Corr: Which U.S. presidents would’ve best led our nation through the Covid-19 pandemic?

[33:17] Why so little progress in the fight against Covid-19?

This episode is available on Apple PodcastsGoogle PlaySpotify and other podcast platforms.

If you have coronavirus questions for the hosts, please visit the contact page or send us a message on Twitter or LinkedIn.

*To ensure the credibility of this program, Coronavirus: The Truth refuses to accept sponsorship, outside funding sources or guests with any financial or personal conflicts of interest.